The summer is a great time to take long drives and visit new places, but that does not mean that this time of year is without its dangers. There are plenty of safety hazards you should be aware of when you hit the road this season. If you end up getting into a car accident because of one of these hazards and the negligence of another driver, you may want to contact a Fayetteville, Arkansas car accident lawyer who can help you pursue damages.
What Safety Hazards Should I Look Out For?
Summer drives can be particularly dangerous simply because there is so much activity. You mostly have to watch out for:
Crowded roads: There are more drivers out, but the nice weather can also lead to an increase in motorcycle riders, cyclists, and pedestrians. These people can all move suddenly and in less predictable ways, so you need to be constantly on the lookout for them.
Construction crews: Summer seems to be a good time to get road work done, so you are likely to encounter a bit of this on your way to your destination. Keep an eye out for signs that indicate that road work is coming up, and slow down to make sure that you can adjust to changing road conditions.
New and inexperienced drivers: The summer is a big deal for new drivers since it often gives them their first opportunity to take a real trip with their new driver’s license. Their inexperience could make them hazardous to drive alongside though.
How Can I Stay Safer on the Road This Summer?
You can at least control your own behavior and do a few things to stay safer this season:
Stay sober: If you are going to a party or barbecue and you will be responsible for driving everyone home, avoid the alcohol or have a designated driver who is ready to drive you home.
Get enough sleep: A drowsy driver is a dangerous driver. We know that vacations can be exciting, but make sure that you are getting enough sleep before you get behind the wheel of a car.
Avoid distractions: The roads are more crowded, there are more potential safety hazards to deal with, and you can get more fatigued as you drive long distances. So do your best to avoid additional distractions that could make it even more difficult to react to obstacles or changes in road conditions. That means no eating, texting, or blasting obnoxiously loud music.
Can I Sue After Getting Injured By One of These Safety Hazards?
If you still get into an accident despite your best attempts to avoid these summer safety hazards, you might be able to sue for compensation. If you believe that someone else was responsible for the accident, you will want to talk to our lawyers about your legal options.
Talk to Our Legal Team Today
You can pursue damages on your own, but do not underestimate what an experienced lawyer can do to assist you with your case. Contact the Knapp Law Firm and schedule a free initial consultation. There is nothing to lose, but the information that you gain could end up being invaluable!